Maque Choux

(From Rotary Cookbook of St. Martinville, Louisiana, 1979)

My Aunt “Tey” made the best Maque Choux in the family. She served the main meal of the day at lunchtime, as most Cajuns did at that time. I loved to squeeze myself in between the cousins at her long kitchen table. She had 13 children but there was always space for one more. Everyone enjoyed her cooking, especially when she was cooking Maque Choux.


  • 1 dozen ears of fresh corn
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 1 medium-sized onion, chopped fine
  • ½ small sweet green pepper chopped fine
  • Red pepper, powdered


  1. Prepare the Corn: Begin by shucking the fresh ears of corn and removing the silk. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the kernels from the cob, slicing thinly along the tops of the kernels to release the tender insides. Once the kernels are removed, use the back of the knife to scrape down the cob, extracting all the sweet corn milk.
  2. Sauté Aromatics: In a large skillet, heat the cooking oil over medium heat. Add the finely chopped onion and sweet green pepper to the skillet, stirring occasionally until they begin to soften and become fragrant.
  3. Add Corn and Seasonings: Once the aromatics are tender, add the fresh corn kernels and corn milk to the skillet. Season the mixture with a generous sprinkling of powdered red pepper, adjusting the amount to suit your desired level of heat.
  4. Cook and Stir: Stir the corn mixture constantly, allowing it to cook over medium heat for approximately 20 minutes. The corn should become tender and golden, while the flavors meld together beautifully.
  5. Simmer to Perfection: After 20 minutes of cooking, reduce the heat to low and cover the skillet. Let the Maque Choux simmer gently for a few more minutes, allowing the flavors to deepen and develop.
  6. Serve and Enjoy

Maque Choux has many variations, but however it’s cooked, it tastes like summer, especially when Aunt Taye made it!

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